Sunday, October 25, 2009

World Cultural Celebration (10-10-2009)

The Washtenaw Community College invited us to attend the World Cultural Celebration on Saturday, Oct 10th, 2009. We performed "Song Of The Rural Wine" (農村酒歌) and "Under the moonlight" (在銀色月光下).


Dizi (Chinese transverse flute, 笛子) : Kerby Shedden, Xia Xi

Erhu (Chinese fiddle, 胡琴) : Yueyang Zhong, Danming Tang

GuZheng (Chinese Zither, 箏) : Yizhou Zhou

Liuqin (Soprano chinese lute, 柳琴) : Chien Sze

Ruan (Chinese guitar, 阮) : Jin-Gwo Lin, Hsueh-Ling Chang